Thread: Flank Steak
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Melba's Jammin' Melba's Jammin' is offline
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Default Flank Steak

On 2016-06-13 18:32:52 +0000, dsi1 said:

> On Monday, June 13, 2016 at 8:06:23 AM UTC-10, Melba's Jammin' wrote:
>> On 2016-06-13 17:08:24 +0000, John Kuthe said:
>> (snipped)
>>> Yep!! I used to buy flank steak, slice up and marinate and freeze it
>>> in> > little Ziplock bags to pop in my cooler back in 2003 when I was
>>> living> > in my minivan over half my weeks Spring of 2003! Cooked it up
>>> with a> > couple of eggs over easy for my breakfasts!! YUM!!
>>> John Kuthe...

>> Interesting. It never occurred to me to slice and marinate before>
>> cooking. May give that a go next time I pick up one.
>> --
>> --
>> Barb
>>, last update April 2013

> When I was a kid, I'd occasionally prepare flank steak. I'd dump a can
> of Campbell's Beef Barley soup on the steak and roll that up and braise
> it. The results were always less than spectacular. It was a revelation
> when I learned a decade or so later that one could marinate a steak in
> teriyaki sauce, grill it over a hot charcoal fire and end up with
> something sublime. You have to cook it rare to medium rare. Anything
> more than that and you'd be better off with a hot dog.

Sure. It's one of my favorite cuts of meat. I use this recipe from a
former neighbor. :

Kun Koki (Korean broiled steak)

Recipe By: posted to Usenet r.f.c. 6/13/2016

Serving Size: 6

1 1/2 # beef flank steak

3 tablespoons sesame seeds

3 tablespoons salad oil

1/4 cup soy sauce

2 teaspoons brown sugar

1/2 cup finely sliced green onion

1 clove garlic crushed

1/4 teaspoon pepper

1/4 teaspoon ground ginger

Score flank steak in diamond pattern. Combine remaining ingredients
and marinate meat in mixture for at least an hour. Grill or broil for
5-10 minutes (3-5 minutes per side is about right on the grill). Cut
thinly across grain in diagonal slices to serve. 1-1/2# steak serves
four to six. (Four is realistic.)

Notes: Extra marinade can be combined with sliced and sauteed
mushrooms and served with meat or over white rice.

Barb, last update April 2013