Thread: Flank Steak
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notbob notbob is offline
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Default Flank Steak

On 2016-06-14, l not -l > wrote:

> ....product of USA, not injected with water/saline.

Both becoming rare as hen's teeth!

> I have tried it once (so far) and found it just as good as the more
> expensive skirt found in the dominant regional chain.

Flank WILL work fer fajitas. We usta have one of those huge Mexican
chain restos and the bar would serve $.50 fajitas, that were
excellent. They were strictly a Thur happy hour (2 hrs) loss-leader,
but they were dang tasty! Wish I'd gotten the recipe.

As fer plain ol' flank steak, any Italian dressing will work. When I
was in cooking school was the first time I ever ate flank stk. We
marinated it overnight in some cheapo brand of Italian dressing and
sliced it, individually, from the lunch line. I thought it was
excellent, but I bet pre-sliced and put into small individual bags to
marinate would work even better.
