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Edwin Pawlowski
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"Peter Aitken" > wrote in message
> Clinton was never a draft dodger (someone who illegally evaded his
> obligations)

True. he used legal means to avoid the draft. Either way, he was too much
of a pussy to go into the service.

Bush may have taken an easy road, but at least he went.

Kerry went but scorned the idea that he should be there. Came back looking
like a relative of Jane Fonda

Any way you cut it, all three are weasles of some sort. Kerry, like all
politicians, is an opportunist and tries to make himslef look like something
he is not. His medals are questionable at best.

Kerry would be in much better shape if he kept his mouth shut and let the
records speak for them selves. His "reporting for duty" comment and salute
was enough to make a mature person puke.