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Jeßus[_56_] Jeßus[_56_] is offline
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On Tue, 14 Jun 2016 22:10:49 -0700, "Julie Bove"
> wrote:

>"Jeßus" > wrote in message
.. .
>> On Tue, 14 Jun 2016 15:19:20 -0700, "Julie Bove"
>> > wrote:
>>>I don't believe that is true. My inlaws never had a credit card and paid
>>>cash for everything.

>> A debit card is not a credit card. I have a VISA debit card, from
>> which I can only spend as much as my account balance allows. I'd be
>> surprised if at least some of your inlaws didn't use one.

>They didn't because... Back then, those were still pretty uncommon, at least
>in the part of PA where they lived.

Oh, for some reason I thought your inlaws were in Italy. I know even
just a decade ago the way things worked in the U.S bank accounts,
transferring funds and debit cards was quite different to other
countries. Much less so now.

>The bank was just down the street from
>where my FIL lived. So it was easy to get to and since he owned a business,
>they went there daily. I would assume that some of their customers paid in
>cash so it is likely that they could have just used that for groceries and
>such. Don't quote me on this. I am just surmising. But this is what my SIL
>did with her business. She'd get some cash and go shopping.
>My FIL died almost 18 years ago. My MIL had been totally disabled and pretty
>much housebound for several years before that. Not sure when debit cards
>became available where they lived.
>I know before I quit my job at K Mart in the mid 90's, debit cards were a
>new thing. ATM cards had been around for some time. I only recall two
>customers coming in with debit cards and the store would not take them at
>the point in time as they were unfamiliar with them.
>Angela doesn't have a debit card yet. Only an ATM card. I suspect once she
>turns 18, she can get one. We (her parents) will no longer need our names on
>her account and she should be able to get a checking account.