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On Wed, 15 Jun 2016 06:48:44 -0400, Dave Smith
> wrote:

>On 2016-06-14 10:32 PM, cshenk wrote:
>> Cheri wrote in

>>> I don't know why people/morons seem to assume that older women never
>>> worked outside the home, Hell a lot of us worked outside the home as
>>> well as doing most of the work at home after work. At least these
>>> days the husbands, boyfriends etc., are helping out a whole lot as a
>>> rule with the house and kids.
>>> Cheri

>> True on the younger ones helping more but plenty of the older
>> generation men did too. They were however raised where the mother
>> didnt generally work outside the home and it probably seemed sane to
>> them to not think too much about how the floors got mopped and such.

>I would suggest that some people assume that older women did not work
>"outside of the house" because most did not spend their parenting years
>in outside employment. They may have worked during the war years while
>the men were off to war and they may have worked for a couple years
>between school and marriage. Most quit working as soon as they got
>married and few women who needed the income enough to work could afford
>to hire help.

It's a poor suggestion! I worked with three young children. We
decided to stay in Canada and felt we needed the stability of two
incomes at least while we settled.

It wasn't easy and I agree with Cheri, the brunt of housework,
washing, cooking etc also fell on the women back then.

I can't resist a smile now and then when old men try to chat me up,
it's so hard for them when the wives who did everything die and they
suddenly have to figure out how to shop for groceries, how to cook,
how to run the washer etc etc etc -