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Ed Pawlowski Ed Pawlowski is offline
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On 6/15/2016 6:56 AM, wrote:
> On Wed, 15 Jun 2016 06:48:44 -0400, Dave Smith


> It's a poor suggestion! I worked with three young children. We
> decided to stay in Canada and felt we needed the stability of two
> incomes at least while we settled.

Good suggestion from what I've seen. I know many more stay at home moms
than working moms among friends and family from that era.

Of the 50 years we are married, my wife has worked a total of about 12
months. Not a question of right or wrong, just different situations,
different priorities.

> I can't resist a smile now and then when old men try to chat me up,
> it's so hard for them when the wives who did everything die and they
> suddenly have to figure out how to shop for groceries, how to cook,
> how to run the washer etc etc etc -

I've known people in that situation too. We learned to do those things
when we were kids so it is not a problem now. We made sure our kids were
prepared for life too.