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brooklyn1 brooklyn1 is offline
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Default Why You Should Never Buy Packaged Ground Beef Again

On Wed, 15 Jun 2016 11:25:57 -0700 (PDT), Roy >

>On Wednesday, June 15, 2016 at 11:08:23 AM UTC-6, Janet B wrote:
>> Why You Should Never Buy Packaged Ground Beef Again
>> read through to the section on grinding
>> Janet US

>Some good advice. However, I don't like ground beef that is ground once. I've tried it a few times.
>It is bloody well tough and has a texture (mouth feel), that I don't like.

All stupidmarket beef is ground once, they simply use a a plate with
smaller holes, usually 3/16".

>All ground beef should be well cooked to kill the bad bugs in it.
>People who eat nearly raw ground beef deserve the resultant
>diarrhea that so often accompanies such action.

Larger cuts of beef are internally sterile, they contain no bacteria.
Grinding your own allows you to cook as rare as you like, even eat it
raw which many do; beef tartar. I've been grinding meat myself for
probably longer than you're alive, it's never made me sick because I
either cook it immediately or freeze it... the ground beef at the
stupidmarket was ground a day or three ago, plus you've no idea
what/who's in it. Fancy schmacy butcher shops sell filthy ground beef
because their grinders are not professionally steam cleaned every
night, if cleaned at all for days. I never buy preground mystery
meat. A good quality meat grinder for home use costs about $150.
It'll grind 10 pounds in under five minutes and another five minutes
for clean up. Grinding ones own meat is a no brainer... a functional
brain is something Roy was born without. Roy's mom should sue her
OB-GYN for not advising her to abort. This Roy schmegegi is one of
the dumbest drecks to grace RFC's portals for a very long time.