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Roy[_4_] Roy[_4_] is offline
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Default Why You Should Never Buy Packaged Ground Beef Again

On Wednesday, June 15, 2016 at 3:46:24 PM UTC-6, Brooklyn1 wrote:
> On Wed, 15 Jun 2016 11:25:57 -0700 (PDT), Roy >
> wrote:
> >On Wednesday, June 15, 2016 at 11:08:23 AM UTC-6, Janet B wrote:
> >> Why You Should Never Buy Packaged Ground Beef Again
> >>
> >> read through to the section on grinding
> >> Janet US

> >
> >Some good advice. However, I don't like ground beef that is ground once. I've tried it a few times.
> >It is bloody well tough and has a texture (mouth feel), that I don't like.

> All stupidmarket beef is ground once, they simply use a a plate with
> smaller holes, usually 3/16".
> >All ground beef should be well cooked to kill the bad bugs in it.
> >People who eat nearly raw ground beef deserve the resultant
> >diarrhea that so often accompanies such action.

> Larger cuts of beef are internally sterile, they contain no bacteria.
> Grinding your own allows you to cook as rare as you like, even eat it
> raw which many do; beef tartar. I've been grinding meat myself for
> probably longer than you're alive, it's never made me sick because I
> either cook it immediately or freeze it... the ground beef at the
> stupidmarket was ground a day or three ago, plus you've no idea
> what/who's in it. Fancy schmacy butcher shops sell filthy ground beef
> because their grinders are not professionally steam cleaned every
> night, if cleaned at all for days. I never buy preground mystery
> meat. A good quality meat grinder for home use costs about $150.
> It'll grind 10 pounds in under five minutes and another five minutes
> for clean up. Grinding ones own meat is a no brainer... a functional
> brain is something Roy was born without. Roy's mom should sue her
> OB-GYN for not advising her to abort. This Roy schmegegi is one of
> the dumbest drecks to grace RFC's portals for a very long time.

Thanks for the kind remarks but you are wrong. Many supermarket's ground beef is ground twice. I worked for Safeway and other stores and at that time they ALL ground twice.