Really potent parsley
I made another batch of pasta salad tonight. Almost the same as the last but
instead of the white beans I used snow peas. Also added an additional bell
pepper and another an of black olives at Angela's request. But the big
difference? The parsley!
Normally I use curly parsley for this salad because it is cheaper. But the
last time I used some organic flat leaf. I only got that kind because I was
shopping with a friend who unlike me does not start at one end of the store
and go to the other but seemingly does things at random. I can't tell you
how many times we were in that produce department. And I wasn't even
planning to make the pasta salad at first but when I did decide to, I was
standing by the organic so I bought it. But... That parsley wasn't
impressive. Tasted okay. Not much of a scent to it.
Today I bought the regular flat leaf at the same store. The regular curly
was looking a bit brown. OMG what a difference! This was so full of scent it
was assaulting my nose. And the taste is out of this world! I liked it so
much, I put the whole bunch in. Yum!