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On Thu, 16 Jun 2016 05:35:43 -0700, Taxed and Spent
> wrote:

>On 6/16/2016 5:08 AM, Janet wrote:
>> In article >, says...
>>> "Nancy Young" > wrote in message
>>> ...
>>>> On 6/15/2016 12:39 PM, Gary wrote:
>>>>> Nancy Young wrote:
>>>>>> I'd say that's a lot better than widows who have never
>>>>>> written a check, don't know where the money is ... or if there
>>>>>> is money. How many times have I heard that.
>>>>>> I'm sure that's not something that happens very often these days.
>>>>> It does with the older folks that have been married forever.
>>>>> It goes both ways too... women and men often feel helpless
>>>>> when their lifelong mate dies.
>>>> I could be wrong, but I feel like we're aging out of the generation
>>>> of women who are really that helpless, as far as traditional roles
>>>> go. Of course there are still men who can't open a can of soup and
>>>> women who don't know anything that's going on with the finances, but
>>>> I really don't think that's as common as it once was.
>>>> nancy
>>> Yep. And then there are those who like to play helpless. I have seen it. I
>>> don't like it.

>> Really.
>> Janet UK

>I disagree. I think we are breeding masses of both men and women who
>are, truly, helpless. In the ignorant, unskilled sort of way. Nobody
>wants to or even can take responsibility for themselves and their
>family. We are doomed.

The kids with 'helicopter' parents are helpless, through no fault of
their own. I heard an interview with a counsellor at a local
university. She is retiring early because she is fed up with parents
that call her, tell her what their kids are to do etc etc. She said
she had always been there to help particularly first year students,
not their parents. Apparently some parents even want to be in on
their kids interviews, planning etc.

It all probably started with 'play dates' where the parents select
friends for their kids and organise for them to meet those approved