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graham[_4_] graham[_4_] is offline
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On 16/06/2016 7:17 AM, Taxed and Spent wrote:
> On 6/16/2016 6:12 AM, Dave Smith wrote:
>> On 2016-06-16 8:35 AM, Taxed and Spent wrote:
>>> On 6/16/2016 5:08 AM, Janet wrote:
>>>> In article >, says...
>>>>> "Nancy Young" > wrote in message
>>>>> ...
>>>>>> On 6/15/2016 12:39 PM, Gary wrote:
>>>>>>> Nancy Young wrote:
>>>>>>>> I'd say that's a lot better than widows who have never
>>>>>>>> written a check, don't know where the money is ... or if there
>>>>>>>> is money. How many times have I heard that.
>>>>>>>> I'm sure that's not something that happens very often these days.
>>>>>>> It does with the older folks that have been married forever.
>>>>>>> It goes both ways too... women and men often feel helpless
>>>>>>> when their lifelong mate dies.
>>>>>> I could be wrong, but I feel like we're aging out of the generation
>>>>>> of women who are really that helpless, as far as traditional roles
>>>>>> go. Of course there are still men who can't open a can of soup and
>>>>>> women who don't know anything that's going on with the finances, but
>>>>>> I really don't think that's as common as it once was.
>>>>>> nancy
>>>>> Yep. And then there are those who like to play helpless. I have seen
>>>>> it. I
>>>>> don't like it.
>>>> Really.
>>>> Janet UK
>>> I disagree. I think we are breeding masses of both men and women who
>>> are, truly, helpless. In the ignorant, unskilled sort of way. Nobody
>>> wants to or even can take responsibility for themselves and their
>>> family. We are doomed.

>> That is part of the problem. Then there is the sense of entitlement for
>> those with money. It is a pretty bad state of affairs when some people
>> are filthy rich and hiding their assets to avoid the taxes which might
>> mean their summer home will only be 5000 sq ft and they can't afford to
>> buy Porshes for the kids when they go off to college.

> I think the bigger problem is the sense of entitlement of people
> without money. They don't work for it, spend what they don't have, want
> bailouts and government handouts, and then complain about the people
> that have worked and saved.

Remember the bank crisis? That was due to a bunch of wealthy bankers
feeling entitled to obscene profits and bonuses - and who suffered?