On Fri, 17 Jun 2016 07:41:14 -0400, Gary > wrote:
>Bruce wrote:
>> says...
>> >
>> > "cshenk" wrote:
>> >
>> > > Don and I decided one of us needed to be home when
>> > >Charlotte was born and since I was active duty and he had just
>> > >'retired' and my income potential was higher, he stayed home. It was
>> > >tough because the stay-at-home women felt threatened somehow to see a
>> > >man do it with a small child while the wife went to work.
>> >
>> > I think you have a high powered imagination - why on earth would they
>> > feel threatened? More likely your husband felt threatened.
>> Is that you talking or that same old chip on your shoulder?
>I completely agree with lucretia here. I can't imagine why stay at
>home women would feel threatened by a "Mr.Mom." If anything, a stay
>at home husband would be looked down upon as a lazy bum, staying at
>home and letting the wife work.
>I raised my daughter as a single parent since she was age 7. I was a
>stay at home (every chance I got) and also the working parent. I was
>the elementary school's very first male room mother. The beginning of
>the year room mothers meeting and I was the only guy among many hot
>looking moms. Sheldon would have liked that.
>Anyway, they didn't feel threatened, they treated me like their mascot
>male room mother. Those were good times. I did the room mother thing
>for 4 years and enjoyed being part of it all.
Now it's more common but that's exactly what I saw maybe 26 years ago
when I was going up to the elementary school to help with reading -
the women were very nice to a couple of men who were stay-at-home
Dads, maybe envious even.