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Dave Smith[_1_] Dave Smith[_1_] is offline
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On 2016-06-17 8:40 AM, wrote:
> On Fri, 17 Jun 2016 08:25:43 -0400, Gary > wrote:

>> Stay at home is serious work and lots of work but you don't have to
>> deal with other people. Stay at home means you are your own boss. It
>> makes a difference. If you've never done it, you are clueless. I was
>> able to do both and I do know the difference.
>> A stay at home man is often looked down upon as a lazy bum, letting
>> his wife go out each day to work.

> We had one on our local usenet group - he was liked by both male and
> female posters and always attended the HNOs. He was an IT man but his
> wife was earning more and before they had two girls he decided one of
> them should stay home until the kids reached school.
> He was/is a great father, the girls have both done well and gone on to
> uni. One HNO he brought them with him so we could all meet them,
> having heard all their progress from infant to school age. He went
> back to work and has also done well himself and says he wouldn't
> change a thing if they did it again.

One time I was at my brother's place and the neighbour and her two
daughters (in their 20s) were there and they were talking about a woman
doctor in the city. They were upset that the doctor's husband was a
stay at home dad. They thought he was a lazy *******, though they all
admitted they thought there was nothing if it were the other way around,
if he was the doctor and his wife stayed home.