Why You Should Never Buy Packaged Ground Beef Again
Gary wrote in rec.food.cooking:
> Sqwertz wrote:
> >
> > And I have never heard of grocer or packing plant that double
> > grinds. The grinders these days are efficient enough to get the
> > job done in one pass. Even my home grinder grinds as fine as the
> > grocery store in a single pass.
> >
> > Time and labor is money - especially in the meat packing plants. I
> > really doubt any retail/wholesale outfit is double grinding regular
> > ground beef
> Of all people that I have to disagree with, it just HAD to be you.
> I learned 2-3 months ago that my regular grocery store does buy
> 1st ground meat from a packing plant/wholeseller.
> Then they do a 2nd grind and that's what we get on the shelves.
> I wasn't happy to hear that. I always thought they did all grinds
> in store. Not so.
Dont shop at Kroger and Food lion...