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jinx the minx jinx the minx is offline
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> wrote:
> On Fri, 17 Jun 2016 19:12:18 -0500, "cshenk" > wrote:
>> wrote in
>>> On Thu, 16 Jun 2016 20:43:19 -0500, "cshenk" > wrote:
>>>> Ed Pawlowski wrote in
>>>>> On 6/14/2016 10:32 PM, cshenk wrote:
>>>>>>> I don't know why people/morons seem to assume that older women
>>>>>>> never worked outside the home, Hell a lot of us worked outside
>>>>>>> the home as well as doing most of the work at home after work.
>>> At >> > > least these days the husbands, boyfriends etc., are helping
>>> out a >> > > whole lot as a rule with the house and kids.
>>>>>>> Cheri
>>>>>> True on the younger ones helping more but plenty of the older
>>>>>> generation men did too. They were however raised where the
>>> mother >> > didnt generally work outside the home and it probably
>>> seemed sane to >> > them to not think too much about how the floors
>>> got mopped and such.
>>>>> Of eligible women participating in the workforce, in 1950 it was
>>>>> about 27% while today it is almost 60%
>>>> I'm suprised it is that low. It seems more like 80% now.
>>>>> Stay at home moms was quite common when I was a kid, not so much
>>> now. >> Lots of things have changed, but back then one person could
>>> make >> enough money in a good job to support a family, buy a modest
>>> house, >> one car. I'm not sure we progressed when we warehouse kids
>>> in day >> care.
>>>> We didn't really. Don and I decided one of us needed to be home
>>>> when Charlotte was born and since I was active duty and he had just
>>>> 'retired' and my income potential was higher, he stayed home. It was
>>>> tough because the stay-at-home women felt threatened somehow to see
>>>> a man do it with a small child while the wife went to work.
>>> I think you have a high powered imagination - why on earth would they
>>> feel threatened? More likely your husband felt threatened.

>> No, it was there, prejudice clear and simple and women who could not
>> hndle a man as a stay at home parent.
>> He'd do the laundry in the complex and there were several who'd get
>> upset that he was washing my under things and Charlotte's baby clothes
>> and *loudly 'whisper'* that he was some sort of pervert. Charlotte was
>> in a stroller at his side as they did the laundry. Reverse it, lady
>> doing her husband's underthings. All normal and no comments. They
>> could handle a guy doing his own laundry but got snarky if it was
>> during the week. They could not handle a guy during the week doing all
>> the families stuff while watching a toddler.
>> I went down and confronted them once but it didnt get better until
>> several other guys picked a time and showed up enmass for laundry at
>> the same time.
>> You can pretend what you wish, but 2 decades ago, a man washing his
>> wife and kids laundry in a public complex, could be in for a less than
>> pleasing environment. If you are unaware of that, then you simply
>> didnt live on that side of life.

> I am not pretending anything - clearly you Americans must have
> perverted minds if that is how people saw it, though I kind of doubt
> it. I go in the laundry room here and even if someone else is in
> there at the same time as me, I am NOT watching what clothes they are
> washing. Jesus Christ - what a sewer mind you have!

Sounds to me like her husband felt inferior and self conscious.

jinx the minx