"Cheri" > wrote in message
> "Nancy Young" > wrote in message
> ...
>> On 6/17/2016 4:10 PM, Ed Pawlowski wrote:
>>> On Fri, 17 Jun 2016 15:16:34 -0400, Nancy Young
>>> > wrote:
>>>> On 6/17/2016 3:12 PM, Je?us wrote:
>>>>> On Fri, 17 Jun 2016 08:35:03 -0700 (PDT), John Kuthe
>>>>> > wrote:
>>>>>> I think credit cards are better than debit cards about fraudulent
>>>>>> charges.
>>>>>> No experience to back that up, and hope I never have either!
>>>>> They're exactly the same in that regard.
>>>> Not quite. With credit cards, you're not out the cash before
>>>> it's straightened out.
>>> But they do offer the same protection. I had an issue once and the
>>> money was back in my account in less than 8 hours.
>> From my perspective, from the time someone ripped you off and the
>> time that the money was replaced is when credit card protection
>> was Way better.
>> nancy
> I've heard several stories about the time it took to put the money back in
> the account, including a fairly recent story in the newspaper. I have no
> idea from personal experience, but I know the credit card is immediate, at
> least in my experience with credit card fraud.
I have never had CC fraud. I have had it to my debit card. The last time was
fairly recent and my bank caught it. I suspect it was a skimmer on an ATM. I
saw a segment on the news saying that they are getting so good with the
skimmers, you won't be able to detect them.
It was a very easy thing to put it right. Went to the bank, signed paperwork
and waited. I think it was all put right in three days.
The time prior it took a bit longer as I had to fill out and send in the
paperwork myself. And to make matters worse, one of the businesses where the
scammer got a lot of merchandise, claimed that I had in fact authorized the
sale. It happened to be a store that sells only smaller sized clothing and
medium width shoes. I offered to send them pics of our feet and bodies. I
said while we liked the looks of their goods, we were all fat with wide feet
and we couldn't fit into their stuff. Not long after, they dropped their
claim. And not long after that, they were on the news with people claiming
they were discriminating by not selling larger sizes. Heh.
The bank said that these days fraud is so prevalent, it is everywhere. Even
with the best of precautions, it still can happen. And they have vastly
improved their ways of dealing with it.