Julie Bove wrote:
>> He'd do the laundry in the complex and there were several who'd get
>> upset that he was washing my under things and Charlotte's baby clothes
>> and *loudly 'whisper'* that he was some sort of pervert. Charlotte was
>> in a stroller at his side as they did the laundry. Reverse it, lady
>> doing her husband's underthings. All normal and no comments.
> What a bunch of hooey. My dad used to take our laundry to the coin op
> when we were camping or on vacation. No problems.
There were several years when my daughter was born that I did all the
laundry at a laundromat, and before that at an appartment building
facility, no one ever said anything, I've always taken care of all the
laundry and still. I don't mind doing laundry (actually the machine
does it), with me doing it the washer and dryer last forever and no
sceptic system problems. The washer and dryer are both well over 25
years old and neither ever needed service except for the time I
vacuumed out the dryer lint trap and the little brush attachment fell
into works. I wasn't sure how much of the machine to take apart so I
called the local appliance store, the tech knew exactly how to access
that area, only took him ten minutes. Right after that is when I
heeded the tech's advice and bought the dryer vent cleaning kit, works
very well, Amazon had the best price, Lowe's wanted twice as much for
the exact same kit... the tech said most people never clean the lint
trap vent, it clogs and wastes money as it can take twice as long to
dry laundry, plus prevents horrid lint fires. He also said to never
leave home or go to bed with the dryer running... same with the
washer, always shut the fill valves when not in use: