On 2016-06-19 10:16 AM, Nancy Young wrote:
> On 6/19/2016 8:37 AM, wrote:
>> On Sun, 19 Jun 2016 08:10:10 -0400, Nancy Young
> I just love waffles. I was just looking at them hard on a menu
> yesterday morning but I really can't justify all that sugar
> and calling it breakfast. Okay, sometimes I can, but it's been
> a while. I go all in with the butter and syrup.
> I'm not someone who freaks out if my food touches on a plate,
> not at all, but I do not want my bacon touching my syrup.
> Just ruins the bacon,
I don't mind if a bit of the syrup gets onto the bacon. Eggs can mix
with the bacon, or with the biscuits or muffins, but I do not,
definitely do not want maple syrup in with my eggs.
>and that's how I feel about fried chicken.
I can agree on that, but I have had honey on fried chicken, and that was