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Dave Smith[_1_] Dave Smith[_1_] is offline
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Default Some people REALLY like their bacon.

On 2016-06-19 4:24 PM, Je�us wrote:
> Qatar: Man Arrested For Smuggling Bacon In His Anal Cavity
> Customs officers at the Hamad International Airport, in the Qatari
> capital, have arrested a Yemeni man attempting to smuggle more than 12
> kilograms (27 lbs) of sliced bacon hidden in his anal cavity.

It must have been beef bacon because that story sounds like a lot of
bull. Twelve kilos of bacon.... 27 pounds..... shoved up his ass? Go to
a grocery store and stack up 27 one pound packages of bacon. Use you
imagination to picture it without the packaging. I can think of a
couple people here who might enjoy fantasies about having it shoved up
their butts, but in the real world, I just can't see it happening.
> 53-year old Abd al Rahman Shamoun, was spotted by a specially trained
> police dog, looking for drugs or pork meat on passengers and in their
> luggage.
> He appeared visibly nervous and sweaty, so the customs took him in a
> separate office for a more thorough search and investigation.
> The search revealed 4 larges condoms hidden in his anal cavity, each
> containing more than 3 kilograms of bacon.
> People ingesting or inserting illegal drugs, money, jewelry, or
> weapons in various cavities, is a rather common practice and airports
> around the world are used to dealing with such cases.
> This is the first time, however, that bacon is discovered during a
> cavity search.
> Due to Qatars strict laws regarding pork meat and other food that
> isnt €śpermissible€ť or €śallowed€ť in Islam, Mr. Shamoun faces some very
> serious criminal charges.
> Accused of €śpossesion of controlled substances€ť, €śtrafficking
> controlled substances€ť and €śillegal importation of controlled
> substances€ť, he could now face the death penalty, with a minimum of 50
> lashes and 15 years in prison.