Pressure Cooker Pintos
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ojunk (Mama2EandJ) wrote in
> So...who knows how long (centuries, eons, years, months, what?) it
> takes to cook these babies in a crockpot? My son says to put some
> lard (oh, great) and "other seasonings" (whatever the hell that means)
> in the crockpot with them and then it takes forever for them to cook.
> I bought a 12 lb bag of pintos at Sam's and am planning on a test run
> before he comes home so any clues would be appreciated.
> Muchas gracias!
Basic Crockpot Beans
2 onions, chopped
2-3 cloves garlic
1 lb dried beans, soaked 4 hours or over night (overnight is best)
in water to cover by approx 2 inches
2 bay leaves
2-4 strips bacon chopped up
Put in crockpot and cook about 4-6 hours on high or overnight on low.
Beans should be soft (small white beans take longest, pinto beans shorter)
Add spices, veggies, etc. (see below) and cook about another hour.
Spices:, veggies, etc: 1) 1 tsp dried cumin, 1 tsp paprika, 1/4 tsp
cayenne pepper, 1-2 Tbsp. soy sauce, a few chili peppers, chopped, chopped
green pepper,can chopped tomotoes,some frozen corn.(Good with black beans)
1/2 tsp liquid smoke tastes good added. 2) 1 tsp cumin, 1 can chopped
green chilis, chopped green pepper, 1 Tbsp soy sauce (good with white
beans). 3) 1-2 Tbsp soy sauce, 1/4 cup molasses, 1/4 tsp cayenne, 1/2 tsp
dried mustard, (good with pinto or black eyed peas)
Last year's nuts must go.
- Michael Odom
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