Thread: Mustard powder
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dsi1[_20_] dsi1[_20_] is offline
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Default Mustard powder

On 6/21/2016 9:56 AM, Ophelia wrote:
> "dsi1" > wrote in message
> ...
>> On Sunday, June 19, 2016 at 10:54:07 PM UTC-10, Julie Bove wrote:
>>> I am curious about this. I know some here have made the claim that
>>> mustard
>>> grows stronger in taste with age. I have not found this to be the
>>> case at
>>> all.
>>> At some point I had totally run out. I placed a mail order somewhere for
>>> Colman's which I thought I had read was the very best. But maybe I read
>>> this
>>> wrong because I've since read complaints from people about its weak
>>> flavor.
>>> Anyway... I got a rather large tin and it had a May expiration date on
>>> it.
>>> This ticked me off because there was no way I could use such a large
>>> amount
>>> in such a short amount of time. I can't remember when I ordered it but
>>> perhaps 2-3 months before it expired.
>>> Shortly before this did expire, I was out shopping and saw a small
>>> tin of
>>> Colman's for sale. I bought it and just used it but was dismayed to see
>>> that
>>> it expires in Dec.! Now maybe this is just a matter of bad timing on my
>>> part. But most of the dry seasonings that I buy are good for at least a
>>> year
>>> after I buy them. Often two years.
>>> I just disposed of the large container after tasting it. It might as
>>> well
>>> be
>>> dust. The mustard flavor was that weak.
>>> Opened the new one. Did not taste but... Neither container had the scent
>>> of
>>> mustard which I thought was weird. I remember replacing the mustard
>>> powder
>>> at my mom's and MIL's houses several times because what they had was
>>> weak.
>>> But each time I opened the new container, I was whapped in the nostrils
>>> with
>>> mustard scent. And I had to be careful with how much I used as the taste
>>> was
>>> much stronger.
>>> Not this new Colman's though. Based on the lack of aroma, I put in a
>>> little
>>> more than twice what I thought I should. I can still barely taste it. I
>>> may
>>> even add more after my beans cook down some and the flavors begin to
>>> meld.
>>> So I ask... What have your experiences with mustard powder been? And
>>> please
>>> don't tell me to buy Penzeys. Just not my thing. Perhaps if there was
>>> one
>>> nearby, but there's not. I have been to their website and I see
>>> little of
>>> interest. I do occasionally send away for spices. But I use American
>>> Spice.
>>> They sell additional things like popcorn, dried veggies and stuff I'm
>>> sure
>>> I've forgotten about. Maybe beans. At any rate, they have enough variety
>>> that it warrants an order every year or so. Thanks!

>> The only way to test dry mustard is to mix up a batch and let it sit a
>> while. Smelling and dry tasting won't work. It's going to be plenty hot
>> alright. The Asians like to flip the bowl over after mixing. I'll do it
>> too because that's how I learned it. Don't ask me why, I don't know.

> Hmm I wonder if a miserable git will give you grief because you didn't crop
> ... ;-)

People like that really need to start using Google Groups pronto! It
crops the posts beautifully plus I get a dollar every time I get someone
to embrace the dark side.