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Cheri[_3_] Cheri[_3_] is offline
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Default Phishing Emails

"Ed Pawlowski" wrote in message

On 6/22/2016 4:57 PM, Cheri wrote:
> "Ed Pawlowski" > wrote in message
> ...
>> On 6/22/2016 2:04 PM, Cheri wrote:

>>> I certainly have gotten from AT&T since they bought Directv which I
>>> have, quite often too.
>>> Cheri

>> I have DirecTv and got one call about a year ago.

> I got them about once a week, letters, emails etc. I have ATT for home
> phone as well as Directv and they want me to sign up for the internet as
> well. I am going to do that because Comcast has gotten outrageous as a
> stand alone internet provider, so I guess all their calls worked.
> Cheri

ATT sold the land line business in CT to Frontier. The internet service
(DSL) is adequate, but not as fast as cable is here. Price is
reasonable though. One reason I've not changed is my email address.
I've had it for many years and it would be a real PITA to change it. We
used to have Southern New England Telephone and they were bought by ATT.

Long term, I've been OK with ATT and that is the brand of phones I have
on the landline and where I have our cell phone service.


Yes, I hate to change the email too since I have had it for so long, but Comcast
keeps raising the rate for stand alone and it's over $80.00 a month now. We are
not really on the internet that much to even justify that cost so now that we
don't have our business anymore, the email can go, but I do agree that it will
be a PITA for awhile. I told them that I want my landline the way it is, and the
guy that was out here to remove a box said to make sure that I tell the
installer that I want a POTS line, I said what does that stand for, he said
"plain old telephone service" geez, I thought it was some high tech thing. LOL

