Thread: Brexit
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Dave Smith[_1_] Dave Smith[_1_] is offline
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Default Brexit

On 2016-06-25 4:51 PM, Je�us wrote:
> On Sat, 25 Jun 2016 07:25:35 -0300, wrote:
>>> No offense to any Brits but given the similarity of the sentiments that
>>> brought Brexit to those that Trump espouses, I hope the British situation is
>>> one red hot boiling mess come November so people can see what happens when
>>> you embrace nationalism, xenophobia, and bigotry as national policy. I'm
>>> amazed that no one remembers the old saw "those who fail to learn from
>>> history are doomed to repeat it". This kind of nationalistic sentiment in
>>> Europe is what gave us two world wars in the last century. People seem to
>>> forget that before the Middle East was a tinder box, there was Europe, and
>>> it was ugly for centuries. Seems like the Brits have forgotten that and are
>>> on a hard march back to the early Twentieth century.

> Perhaps the lesson of what happens when you concentrate power has also
> been forgotten.
>> I heard someone the other day comparing Trump to Hitler, pre-WWII. At
>> first I laughed but then I could understand his point. I look back
>> at early Hitler speeches and think 'what a ridiculous little man' and
>> hey, many of us look at Trump and that what a ridiculous man he is.
>> Perhaps sadly the world needs to hate and so it goes until there is a
>> war and a few lessons learned.

> What an utterly ridiculous exchange. Hitler and wars, rampant
> misguided nationalism by what must be ignorant and racist people.
> All because they want to leave the EU...

Having to deal with hordes of illegal immigrants, economic migrants and
refugees who are heading for green pastures in Britain and having to
take them because they are in the EU is a valid reason not to want to be
part of that. Britain and the rest of Europe were already accepting
lots of legitimate immigrants and refugees. There has been a flood of
them and Europe and its resources and being overwhelmed.