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Julie Bove[_2_] Julie Bove[_2_] is offline
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Default OT I saw hose today

Today was the dance recital. One of the ballet teachers was wearing a knee
length black dress, black pumps and sheer black hosiery. I will say that she
does not normally dress in fashions that are the norm for this area or even
this era. Although she is close to my age, just slightly older by a year or
two... She seems to be stuck in the 60's in terms of dress. Some of what she
wears is sort of Jackie O, but she is also very fond of animal prints.

I also encountered an elderly person in the bathroom who had on open toed
Orthopedic type sandals and she had some strangely colored hose that was
thick. Perhaps compression hose.

But I saw countless women walk by me with bare legs and no hose. So I guess
some people here do wear it but not very many. I also suspect that teacher
would not have worn the hose had she not had to walk out on stage. She is
short and I know how they operate there. Legs that are dressed in the same
color as the top part, elongate the appearance and makes one look taller and
more elegant.