Thread: Brexit
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William[_5_] William[_5_] is offline
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Default Brexit

On Sun, 26 Jun 2016 13:00:09 +0100, "Ophelia" >

>"William" > wrote in message
.. .
>> On Sun, 26 Jun 2016 11:56:26 +0100, "Ophelia" >
>> wrote:
>>>But we are not anti immigrant! We just want to be able to choose who
>>>here. We will never keep all immigrants out!

>> if you find bad immigrants, arrest them, load them on Air Buses, and
>> send them back home...or better yet...have the Royal Navy deliver them
>> back to their home country!

>Yes, we will be able to do that.
>> American border patrol arrests people, flys them back home and they
>> come right back to the land of milk and honey.

>You might be interested in this:

How crazy is that! Reminds me of US Congress passing new rules for the
manufacture of "toilets" a few years ago. Congress decided American
flush toilets were wasting entirely too much water during
flushing...five gallons. They mandated that new toilets are limited to
one gallon of water per flush. Now people have toilets that will not
properly flush a load of crap...they must be flushed multiple times to
clear the load. Maximum stupidity!

My house still has the old "wasteful" five gallon flushers. When you
load them up and flush...the contents are whisked away to the
wastewater treatment plant. I only need to flush once.

My sister threw all her old toilets away and install the new ones. Now
she runs for the plunger every time she flushes. So stupid! We must
not let these stupid people make decisions about our lives.
