Nancy2 wrote:
> Trump worries me most because he is so secretive. Tax returns? It is apparently
> nobody's business. Foreign policy? He wants to be unpredictable, but he likes
> war even with nukes (his own words). VP running mate? He has a list but won't
> reveal it pre-convention. Policy statements? He hasn't made any substantive
> statements, only vague sound bites (I will create so many jobs!).
> This and more brings up the question, what is he hiding?
> N.
I keep up with things somewhat during the primary season but why waste
time on candidates that will eventually drop out? Once the 2 conventions
both make their choices, that's when I do lots of research on the two
main candidates.
I see loose cannon vs broken cannon. I like Ed's idea of a 90 day trial
run. As of now, I'll go for a 4-year trial run with the Donald. Time to
shake things up in Washington. We should all vote for a completely
different Congress too, Democrat and Republican. Get rid of the "good ol
boys." Politics was never originally intended to be a career job.
These long time Pubs bitching about Trump? Seriously? Pubs support big
business and Trump is just that. (and so are most of them). Some of them
will vote for Hillary just because they hate Trump? Their choice but it
shows how loyal to the party they are. Vote them all out. Time for a
clean sweep and let's see what happens. I'm tired of the same ol same ol
nonsense time after time.
I'm willing to take a chance on a whole new situation. Non-usains here
that fear Trump? That again tells me that we should elect him.