Thread: Brexit
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Jeßus[_56_] Jeßus[_56_] is offline
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Default Brexit

On Sun, 26 Jun 2016 18:18:35 -0400, Dave Smith
> wrote:

>On 2016-06-26 4:34 PM, Je?us wrote:
> Trump has already said he'd like to use nukes on some brown people...
>> Gary's a ****ing moron and doesn't realise the consequences of that
>> sort of stupidity. This theme of wanting the world to fear the US is
>> something he's brought up many times. He's like a poster child for
>> what the ROTW view as the stereotypical ugly American.

>I heard an old comedy bit this afternoon. An American comedian was
>talking about the British and their attitude about Americans and how
>heckler one once asked what the Americans had done for them. He said if
>it wasn't for the US the guy would have been heckling in German. That
>would indicate a lack of understanding of history on the part of one of
>them. Germany had planned to invade England. They started with the
>Battle of Britain with the aim of annihilating the RAF to achieve air
>superiority. The British won that one and thwarted the invasion attempt.
> By that time they had already been fighting Germany for two years, and
>the Americans had not yet come into the fight. Apparently, the British
>not speaking German had nothing at all to do with the Americans.

Of course, but when did facts ever form part of their (being that type
of person) fanciful version of history.

BTW... found Gary's latest selfie online: