OT - Sheets again
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OT - Sheets again
On 29/06/2016 11:17 AM,
> On Wed, 29 Jun 2016 10:19:53 -0600, graham > wrote:
>> On 29/06/2016 8:53 AM, Roy wrote:
>>>> I know that the Duggars do this and I found it unusual but apparently it is
>>>> rather common. I actually think the Duggars have a separate room next to the
>>>> laundry room where they keep their things. But no one keeps clothing in the
>>>> bedroom.
>>> You must live in some strange world that nobody else knows about. I would venture a guess that 95% of the people in North America store their clothes IN THEIR bedroom.
>>> I have NEVER heard (until today), that people store their washed clothes in the freakin laundry room as a matter of course.
>>> ====
>> The Duggars are a weird lot anyway!
>> Graham
> Didn't one of the offspring get in trouble, paedophilia or something?
Yes, the eldest son did some inappropriate "touching" of some of his
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