OT - Sheets again
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OT - Sheets again
On Wed, 29 Jun 2016 18:30:40 -0300,
>On Thu, 30 Jun 2016 06:22:33 +1000, Jeßus > wrote:
>>I don't know what a 'Duggar' is, but I wouldn't want to store my
>>clothes in the laundry. I /have/ turned the smaller spare bedroom into
>>something of a walk-in wardrobe though, and keep all towels, linen
>>etc. in there as well.
>You've not missed anything! I quite liked having the linen closets
>in the laundry room, it was handy and someone before us had purpose
>built the closets with slatted shelving etc so that when storing a
>winter weight duvet, it got plenty of air around it.
That's a good idea. It all depends on one's laundry room, of course.
My laundry is quite small and there's not enough room for extra
cupboards. So I use one of the spare bedrooms. I put up a study
hanging rail from wall to wall at one end of the room and hang all my
clothes that way. Then a huge set of drawers (with cupboards below)
and shelving, which handles all clothes, linen, towels, etc.
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