"Cheri" > wrote in message
> "Gary" > wrote in message
> ...
>> Fungo Swuiggly wrote:
>>> Shedding Tear. Sniff. Whimper. Kleenexes dabbing the corner of my
>>> eyes.
>>> Your rats are ****ing dead. Get a girlfriend and stop crying here.
>>> Move on. Go get some pet clams or hermit crabs christsakes.
>>> Your Local Fiend,
>> There ya go. Hope you feel better now that you got that out.
>> Reminiscing is not crying - learn the difference.
>> ObFood: everyone loves corn on the cob!
>> http://i67.tinypic.com/2hehddw.jpg
> Ignore those sociopaths, they couldn't have a loving relationship with a
> human or an animal, so they disparage those that do. Bunch of losers!
> Great pic too.
This place does rather seem to attract them. Take no notice, Gary.