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sf[_9_] sf[_9_] is offline
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Default Speaking of ice cream..... cones

On Thu, 30 Jun 2016 18:52:44 -0400, Dave Smith
> wrote:

> I like ice cream cones and often have them at home. It is very rare for
> me to buy one at a dairy bar. I did get one about two months ago, and I
> think the last one before that was about three years ago. I prefer the
> sugar cones over the regular, pale, flavourless cones that are commonly
> used. The places around here charge and extra 75 cents to get your ice
> cream in a sugar cone. Holy crap. A package of regular cones is about a
> $1.50 and the sugar cones are $2.00. That works out to a little more
> than 4 cents per cone difference. Beats me why they expect me to pay
> them 75 cents, so I guess that is a good reason to avoid the extra calories.

I don't eat much ice cream - a couple times a year at the most, but I
noticed a new gelato + French Macaron shop in the local enclosed mall.
I stopped and got a single scoop of dark chocolate... it was
expensive, and worth every penny.

