OT - Sheets again
On Fri, 1 Jul 2016 00:19:48 -0400, Cheryl >
>On 6/29/2016 4:22 AM, Julie Bove wrote:
>> My husband has this annoying little whistle that he does. I don't know
>> how I happened onto this but I learned that by recreating the whistle,
>> the cats will stop what they are doing. For some reason, Jetta never
>> quite got the hang of how to scratch in the litter box. She does
>> scratch. Just outside the litter box or on the wall. I whistle, the she
>> looks at me, stops the behavior and goes on. Not necessarily bad
>> behavior. Just kind of wrong and stupid. I also use it when they start
>> to fight.
>I never interfere with how they choose to use the litterbox as long as
>they use it. If they want to scratch the outside, so be it.
I finally eliminated the litter box from the house a few month ago.
First from inside the house itself and then I removed it from the
verandah. Annie and Lucy certainly used the litter box okay, except
Lucy would sit there and scratch for 5 minutes like she was digging to
China, which could get annoying at 2AM. Now they just go outside to do
their business, which is fine here as we have no neighbours or
anything else to cause a problem.