Speaking of ice cream..... cones
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Speaking of ice cream..... cones
On Fri, 1 Jul 2016 07:15:42 -0700 (PDT),
> Ok, here's another question for you all. How much is an ice cream cone
> (with ice cream, not just the cone) in your area. A kiddie cone, one
> decent sized scoop of ice cream, is over $4 here. A large is around
> $6. A frappe is $5 to $7. I don't know how a family can even afford
> to take a bunch of kids out for a treat anymore.
It sounds like you live near my daughter. They have a scoop shop with
prices like that - using organic & local ingredients. The line is out
the door on warm days and after dinner because it's all Tech money
down there and they can well afford to pay $4 for a child sized scoop
of ice cream or frozen yogurt (no gelato at that shop). Compared to
that, my scoop of gelato was downright cheap.
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