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jmcquown[_2_] jmcquown[_2_] is offline
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Default OT I saw hose today

On 6/27/2016 7:58 AM, Gary wrote:
> Cheryl wrote:
>> "Cheri" > Wrote in message:
>>> Yes, and that newer commercial about that corset thing to cinch in the
>>> waist, people passing out etc., but...I can't believe they actually sell or
>>> buy those contraptions anymore.
>>> Cheri

>> Are you talking about that thing called Miss Belt? I saw that thing and was shocked that people would cinch their waist like that! And if you're not already slim, that belly fat has to go somewhere. Ouch.

> Do you not recall the common "girdles" that women often wore to fit into
> a dress for an
> occasion or whatever? When I was young, I remember my mom had one.

Most of us "of an age" remember girdles. They weren't the same as that
waist cincher thing which is more like a corset. They're very unhealthy
because it squeezes all your internal organs out of place and
practically displaces the rib-cage. Not a good thing.

I remember a story my mother told me about her mom wearing a girdle to
church. She thought it would be okay to put on her panties over the
pretty-much-made-of rubber girdle. They were walking to church and the
panties slipped off the girdle and her panties fell down around her
ankles. As the tale goes, grandma kicked them off, picked them up and
put them in her purse and walked on as if nothing had happened.

So, grandma went to church without wearing any panties. LOL
