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Julie Bove[_2_] Julie Bove[_2_] is offline
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Default OT - Sheets again

"jmcquown" > wrote in message
> On 7/1/2016 12:26 AM, Julie Bove wrote:
>> "jmcquown" > wrote in message
>> ...
>>> On 6/29/2016 4:54 AM, Julie Bove wrote:
>>>> When I commented on this, these couponers pretty much laughed at me and
>>>> said something to the effect of... You actually put stuff away? As in,
>>>> in the bedroom? I thought they were joking but no. They too have a rod
>>>> or in some cases more than one rod in the laundry room where everyone's
>>>> clothing hangs. And each family member has some sort of basket or
>>>> baskets for socks and undies. Towels and sheets were kept in there as
>>>> well.
>>>> I know that the Duggars do this and I found it unusual but apparently
>>>> it
>>>> is rather common. I actually think the Duggars have a separate room
>>>> next
>>>> to the laundry room where they keep their things. But no one keeps
>>>> clothing in the bedroom.
>>> The Duggers? Is this one of those so-called "reality show" families
>>> on television? Oh gawd, yes it is. At least now I know who watches
>>> that stuff.

>> Who?

> You, apparently. I had never heard of them.

Nope. In fact I am part of several groups getting sponsors pulled from their
shows. And it is working. They used to be all over everywhere with their
sick cult. Now you don't see much of them at all. I guess you don't watch
any TV or read magazines. Even my friend without cable has heard of them.
They've been on the news a lot as well. Just not really recently.