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Janet Janet is offline
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Default OT - Sheets again

In article om>,
> On 7/1/2016 11:50 AM, MaryL wrote:
> >>

> > Yes, my grandmother had that type of ironer. My mother did not, but the
> > unironed sheets never bothered us. They got soft and nice after awhile.
> > My mother originally had a washing machine in the basement that took a
> > great deal of work. It was the type with a wringer attached. She
> > thought we were living in luxury when she got an electric washer and
> > dryer that was placed in the kitchen.

> It's funny some of the luxuries we take for granted these days!

I don't. To this day as I turn on a hot tap, flush a lav, pick up the
phone, turn the heating thermostat up or down, push a button and a
machine does the laundry, get in the car to the smkt, push round my
state of the art German floor cleaner, I often think of my grandmother
who was a big part of my childhood.

She had none of those lusuries, ever. She raised 7 children by her own
hard labour, and was worn to death by 53. I lived in her house for a
couple of years in my teens. This was in the 1960' but it still had no
running water, no drainage, no bathroom, no phone, no washing machine,
the lav was still a bucket in an outhouse with no electric light; we
still (rain, shine, snow, ice) fetched every drop of water in a bucket
from an outside hand pump and, we still cleaned the (only) carpet in
the house, a square she was so proud of, the same way she did. By
sprinkling it with used wet tea leaves then brushing with a hand brush.

Janet UK