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brooklyn1 brooklyn1 is offline
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Default OT - Sheets again

On Fri, 1 Jul 2016 23:11:23 -0400, Cheryl >

>On 7/1/2016 8:30 PM, Nancy Young wrote:
>> On 7/1/2016 8:24 PM, Cheryl wrote:
>>> On 6/28/2016 5:05 PM, Nancy Young wrote:

>>>> But hey ... it doesn't bother me if people leave their stuff
>>>> in a basket. Everyone's got their own way of doing things.
>>> I have the worst invention ever to curse a laundry room -- a "folding
>>> table". To me it is storage. LOL

>> I don't understand. Are you telling me you don't have an
>> exercise bike or a treadmill?? Heh.

>LMAO! I was at a car dealership today buying a new pickup truck and me
>and the finance officer were talking about treadmills and she said hers
>is used as a clothes hanger, and I said mine was just dusty. Heehee
>>> There is stuff on that table piled up
>>> nearly to the ceiling. Every time I look at it I wonder where all that
>>> stuff came from? Every now and then I go through it and put things in
>>> their rightful home, but most of the time things just stay there and I
>>> have to fight with it to get something at the bottom of the pile.

>> Sounds a bit like shelving. The more shelving I have, the harder
>> it is to find anything and I don't know I even own half the crap.
>> You got a folding table, now who needs to put stuff away. I get it.
>> nancy


Why would anyone need a laundry folding table when they have kitchen
counters, unless you mean a folding game table, I have one of those
with four matching folding chairs, Cosco. No, not Costco, however
they probably sell Cosco products: