Ice cream machine question
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S Viemeister[_2_]
external usenet poster
Posts: 3,359
Ice cream machine question
On 7/2/2016 4:44 PM,
> I got a 1-quart Donvier (non-electric) for $5 at a yard sale (last year?), made chocolate raspberry truffle ice cream with it recently, and it worked beautifully.
> But I have to wonder - why DOES anyone with a freezer need to use an ice cream machine to make it? Does it have to do with the texture? If so, what?
> Seems to me one could just take a plastic container, put in the cooked mixture, stick it in the freezer and take it out to stir for a few seconds every hour. Yes, that WOULD mean hanging around the house for about four hours or so, but other than that, I don't know what the problem is. (With the Donvier, it took maybe only half an hour of occasional stirring before I transferred the ice cream to a plastic box and put it in the freezer for three hours, according to the Williams-Sonoma recipe. Of course, I was free to leave the house once I did that.)
When I was a child, my mother made ice cream in metal ice-cube trays
(minus the metal dividers) - she did just what you suggest, removing the
tray periodically to stir the mixture around around. The shallow trays
froze fairly quickly, so it didn't take all that long.
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S Viemeister[_2_]
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