Ethical issue with a restaurant
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Ed Pawlowski
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Posts: 12,851
Ethical issue with a restaurant
On 7/2/2016 8:44 PM,
>> To make matters worse,
> I would say, based on just the facts you've presented, Not going there is the "right thing" to do. But keep your ears and eyes open in case there's more to the story.
Why is it the right thing to do? It he a repeat offender?
> Despite the fact that I'm a VERY Liberal person, the potential involvement of alcohol seals the deal for me. There is no excuse for driving drunk.
> Full disclosu yes, I used to drive drunk 80s, maybe 90s. Never again. There wasn't as much of a stigma, But the outcomes were no less tragic.
Based on what you did in the 80's, should you be denied the ability to
earn a living? Should your business be closed, thus putting others out
of a job? Please explain how that is the "right thing to do"
Full disclosu In 1968 I drove 2 miles to home when drunk. Bad
hangover was enough that I never got drunk again.
Yes, he should be punished but others like him employees should not be.
No matter the outcome plenty of people will be negatively affected
though they did nothing.
Exceptions would be repeat offenders, child molesters and similar.
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Ed Pawlowski
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