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Dave Smith[_1_] Dave Smith[_1_] is offline
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Default Ethical issue with a restaurant

On 2016-07-03 8:13 AM, Gary wrote:
> wrote:
>> S Viemeister wrote:

> I agree with you two and Dave. The guy ran over two teenagers then left
> them for dead or whatever. Didn't even stop to help. Seriously messed up
> the girl then sold his half of the business to his wife to avoid losing
> that value in a pending lawsuit. WTH? And he only got sentenced to one
> year in jail for "careless driving?"

The story was that he went home and had a few drinks. Since he left the
scene of the accident and was not given a road site test, there is no
evidence that he was driving drunk. He most definitely spent a few
hours drinking at a bar in town. Careless driving is a criminal code
offense, unlike careless driving.

> Lucky for him that he didn't live here in Virginia. I guarantee you he
> would have gotten 20-30 years with no parole and I would agree. Doubt he
> could hide his money by transfering it to the wife...who was also with
> him. She should be sentenced for not reporting the accident.

When I heard that he had got rid of his share of the restaurant I
thought perhaps he no longer had anything to do with it. Then it seemed
that he was hoping to save it from the inevitable law suit. Later on I
was told that she was with him when it happened. so that makes her just
as bad as him.

> No way would I patronize their restaurant ever again.

I will if someone unconnected to the family buys it.