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Ed Pawlowski Ed Pawlowski is offline
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Default Ethical issue with a restaurant

On 7/3/2016 10:40 AM, Gary wrote:

> And I agree with you too. Assuming he survives the year, he'll be out
> and all happy again. Meanwhile that girl is messed up for life. He
> should pay them forever for that.
> I'll bet Ed wouldn't go to that restaurant if it had been *HIS* teenage
> daughter that got her life ruined.

I can't say for sure what I would do as it was not my daughter. I do
know that I don't want to see his business closed and his employees out
of a job. What good comes from that? Would it make YOU feel better?

Of course he should be punished severely, but there does not have to be
more victims than there are already. If you disagree, and you seem to,
please explain the benefits of it. Tell me how the cook, waitress,
dishwasher will have a better life when he closes up.