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Dave Smith[_1_] Dave Smith[_1_] is offline
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Default Ethical issue with a restaurant

On 2016-07-02 8:16 PM, Ed Pawlowski wrote:
> On 7/2/2016 7:52 PM, S Viemeister wrote:
>> On 7/2/2016 7:45 PM, Ed Pawlowski wrote:
>>> On 7/2/2016 5:58 PM, Dave Smith wrote:

>> (snip)
>>>> I know that a lot of people feel the same way I do and will not go
>>>> there. Yet, many others will. The place is packed all the time.
>>>> They obviously won't miss my business, but I still can't do it.
>>> So why don't you suggest he be executed? Yes, the law should punish him
>>> for irresponsible behavior but to deny him the ability to make a living
>>> is going beyond the law. Perhaps she should be to and I'm sure she is
>>> getting some share of the financial and emotional stress.
>>> If you want to be judge, jury, executioner that is your choice. I'd
>>> continue to patronize the restaurant.

I am not judge and jury. He had his day in court. If had been the judge
and jury he would have been sentenced to a lot more.


>> I wouldn't.
>> It's not me denying him the ability to make a living, it's me not
>> choosing to support someone whose morals are non-existent.

That is the way I see it. The justice system has let the guy off easy,
but he isn't going to make any money off me.

> He made a serious mistake. That does not mean his morals are non
> existent. You can be sure his lawyer advised him to put his share of
> ownership in his wife's name.
> You are probably supporting or patronizing or working with more people
> that you know that have a law breaking past. Not my job to continue
> punishing them if the state did so.

That is part of the problem with having a criminal record. It can
affect you for the rest of your life. I don't like doing business with
sleazy people. I think that what this guy did is reprehensible. First
of all, he was driving drunk. He hit two people and left them for dead.
Then he scooted home and drank more so that they could not prove he was
drunk at the time of the accident. Then they pulled the ownership
switcheroo which may try to hide the assets from the inevitable lawsuit.

At this point, IMO, there is no argument that he has paid his debt. He
fled to avoid the consequences of his DUI. He copped a plea for a light
sentence. He has done nothing to redeem himself in my eyes. He have
have good food and good prices, but we will not be getting any business
from me.