Ethical issue with a restaurant
On 2016-07-03 11:28 AM, Ed Pawlowski wrote:
> On 7/3/2016 10:40 AM, Gary wrote:
>> And I agree with you too. Assuming he survives the year, he'll be out
>> and all happy again. Meanwhile that girl is messed up for life. He
>> should pay them forever for that.
>> I'll bet Ed wouldn't go to that restaurant if it had been *HIS* teenage
>> daughter that got her life ruined.
> I can't say for sure what I would do as it was not my daughter. I do
> know that I don't want to see his business closed and his employees out
> of a job. What good comes from that? Would it make YOU feel better?
They could sell the business.
> Of course he should be punished severely, but there does not have to be
> more victims than there are already. If you disagree, and you seem to,
> please explain the benefits of it. Tell me how the cook, waitress,
> dishwasher will have a better life when he closes up.
It's restaurant work. Most people do not last long at them. It's is not
as if a restaurant's failure is going to ruin their waiting career.