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Janet B Janet B is offline
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Default Pitmasters, opinion please

On Sun, 3 Jul 2016 16:36:57 -0500, heyjoe >

>On Sun, 03 Jul 2016 11:28:55 -0600, Janet B wrote:
>> The poster may not have the ingredients in his pantry but I bet most
>> here would consider those ingredients standard for a decently stocked
>> pantry.

>I've got all the ingredients, except a fresh lemon for the zest. Hardly
>ever use them and do not keep any on hand. Also don't keep celery on
>hand. It annoys me to spend a dollar or more for a bunch of celery, use
>a stalk or two and then have it go bad before I need it again.
>So . . . celery I frequently omit (don't really like it anyway). But
>there is no easy substitute for lemon zest (or is there?) and it's
>probaly not something that should be left out of this recipe.
>Anybody know a shelf stable substitute for lemon zest?
>Liquid smoke? Always on hand. I'm a fan of Wright's Liquid Smoke!

I have no idea why you are buying celery when there is none in the
recipe that I gave you. One small lemon will provide the juice and
the zest and you can throw the rest away.
Janet US