JULIE BOVINE TALKS ABOUT HER "Supper tonight 16/07/03" ???
On 7/4/2016 8:08 AM, Colonel Edmund J. Burke wrote:
> On 7/3/2016 7:20 PM, Julie Bove wrote:
>> "Dave Smith" > wrote in message
>> ...
>>> Chicken satay with spicy peanut sauce, boiled new potatoes,
>>> asparagus and fresh peas.
>> Husband [note here that Dave is the 'woman in this homosexual
>> relationship] already ate. He had a can of soup because nobody is
>> eating them. Also a sandwich of assorted cheeses and tomatoes on
>> toasted sourdough rye. It was a huge sandwich and I was shocked
>> that he wanted another. That cheese must have been really good as
>> he normally dislikes tomatoes.
>> I think Angela and I will have the pasta salad. She'll likely have
>> fruit and cheese as well. I need to go get the cake in the oven.
> Have I stumbled upon something not quite right here? Julie? Are you
> ******* perchance? (Not that there's anything wrong with that.)
> Personally, however, I don't care for moldy cheese. Just sayin'.
Out of your league, cornhole. Flew an A1D in 'nam. A real man girl.
Pop yer head off in a second.