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graham[_4_] graham[_4_] is offline
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Default OT - Sheets again

On 04/07/2016 9:34 AM, jmcquown wrote:
> On 7/4/2016 10:41 AM, Cindy Hamilton wrote:
>> On Monday, July 4, 2016 at 10:02:06 AM UTC-4, Jill McQuown wrote:
>>> I've never met a woman who enjoyed wearing a bra.

>> Me. If I'm vertical, I'm wearing a bra. I'm obese; I have large
>> floppy breasts; I'm uncomfortable with them just roaming on their own.
>> Cindy Hamilton

> I'm sorry. I know you're losing weight and congrats on that! I weigh
> 120 lbs. and I don't sit around the house wearing a bra. I only wear
> one out in public and take it off when I get home. I wash it every few
> wears.
> BTW, when I said I put it away in a "dresser" it's actually a small
> rattan piece of furniture so it's not like I shut my bras in a cedar
> chest. I also don't get all hot and sweaty when wearing a bra for an
> hour. My car has AC, my house has AC. My trips to the store or even to
> the doctor's office don't take me hours and hours. If I sweated into a
> bra I'd certainly wash it and hang it to dry before I put it away.
> Doesn't happen.
> Jill

Some years ago in Amsterdam, I came across an art gallery with a window
display of women's underwear, some draped over the backs of chairs, some
hanging to "dry" in a bathroom. *Except* they had all been carved from
wood and were incredibly realistic, the "bras" showing every wrinkle
from the "washing".
Two elderly ladies were looking at the display and one could tell that
they wanted to laugh but felt it a bit infra dig. :-)