Ethical issue with a restaurant
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Dave Smith[_1_]
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Posts: 35,884
Ethical issue with a restaurant
On 2016-07-04 2:22 PM, Roy wrote:
> On Monday, July 4, 2016 at 10:43:40 AM UTC-6, graham wrote:
>> On 04/07/2016 9:24 AM, Ophelia wrote:
>>> "Brooklyn1" > wrote in message
>>> ...
>>>> On Sun, 3 Jul 2016 17:01:36 -0400, Ed Pawlowski >
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> On 7/3/2016 4:45 PM,
>>>>>>> That is not the end of his legal trouble. I heard from a
>>>>>>> friend of the family that there have been suits launched
>>>>>>> against the driver, against the bar where he had been
>>>>>>> drinking, and against the owners of the house were the
>>>>>>> party was held and the teens were drinking under age.
>>>>>>> However, I have to wonder how much liability the parents
>>>>>>> are willing to assume for allowing their kids to stay out
>>>>>>> that late, for raising kids who drink under age and who
>>>>>>> abuse alcohol.
>>>>>> Does that mean that if the kids were drinking and on foot
>>>>>> going home (not driving) you now feel it is their fault ?
>>>>>> Rather like it's a woman's fault when she is raped ?
>>>>> I don't think it is the same.
>>>>> There is more to the story though, once you dig into it.
>>>>> There are many ways the accident could have been avoided.
>>>>> Forget legalities for a second and just look at the morality.
>>>>> If you allowed the teens to drink at your house would you
>>>>> feel guilty afterwards? You had the opportunity to prevent
>>>>> it and yet you did not.
>>>>> Bartender? Yes, some blame there if he was serving a person
>>>>> impaired already.
>>>>> Parents? Only if they condoned the teens drinking to excess.
>>>> Parents are guilty if they condoned their teens drinking at
>>>> all. Years ago I volunteered with a big brother program at the
>>>> local school district. For several weeks I would take an eight
>>>> year old boy on outings; movies, to parks, feeding ducks,
>>>> helping him plant tomatoes in his yard. He had a 16 year old
>>>> sister that was built like the proverbial BSH. The mom had no
>>>> problem providing her daughter with hard liquor while her
>>>> daughter was entertaining 18 year old boys in their vans parked
>>>> in their driveway. Once I saw what was happening I reported it
>>>> to the school admin and I quit that program. It was a bad
>>>> scene and the mom didn't care, she told me to lighten up, it
>>>> was normal growing up. She knew her 16 year old daughter was
>>>> providing sex to every boy at her school and acted like she
>>>> should get an award. I learned that those big brother programs
>>>> are a crock of poo. Helped set the stage for me not believing
>>>> in any charitible organizations... my only charitible donation
>>>> is directly feeding critters... no pockets, no stealing. Big
>>>> Brother program admins like ALL charities skim grubermint
>>>> funding, which means tax payers get ripped. When I feed
>>>> critters I can watch them eating, they're all grateful,
>>>> there's no skimming by fat cat admins. When I see a wild
>>>> critter hurt/ssick I trap them if I can and sbring them to a
>>>> Vet that charges little or nothing to help wild critters, They
>>>> know I care for critters so they don't bill me but still I
>>>> bring cases of food for the guys waiting to be adopted...
>>>> strays only need a good loving home and they give back ten
>>>> times over. Animal Kind is an extrordinarilly valuable
>>>> organization in my community.
Give them a forever home:
>>> I agree. So many poor animals and so few forever homes
>>> I only take rescues.
>> We have idiots here who are importing pitbulls rescued from US
>> shelters where they had been on a list for euthanising. Graham
> Hard to believe that people can be so goddamned stupid when it comes
> to pitbulls. Pitbulls were bred to KILL, that is their specialty.
> They should be purged from this earth. ====
My former neighbour had two (neutured) male pit bulls and were loose all
the time. They were never a problem for me. The younger one used to come
over and visit when I was at the patio table or working in the yard.
They and their German Shepherd used to tag along with my wife on her
morning walk in the woods with our two dogs..... five male dogs. There
were never any problems. I can tell you that my wife sure felt safe.
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Dave Smith[_1_]
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