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Janet B Janet B is offline
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Default Flour like Wondra?

On Tue, 5 Jul 2016 09:21:33 -0600, graham > wrote:

>On 7/5/2016 9:04 AM, jmcquown wrote:
>> On 7/5/2016 8:39 AM, Gary wrote:
>>> Nancy2 wrote:
>>>> What happens if you use AP flour after it "expires?"
>>> Nothing happens as long as it stays dry. I buy ap flour and pour it into
>>> a tupperware canister and toss out the wrapper. I've never once thought
>>> about it getting too old. My flour now is old but I have no idea how old
>>> nor do I care. It works fine. I *think* I buy new about once per year.
>>> Just a guess. If longer, no worries.

>> I don't use a lot of flour so I don't buy a large bag of it. I've never
>> thought about it "expiring".
>> Jill

>Not so much expiring but flours do have Best Before dates. I checked my
>AP bag and it is BB is next Sunday! That doesn't bother me! I've just
>bought a 20kg sack of bread flour and the BB date is next May.
>However, it is important to take note of the BB date on wholemeal flours
>as they go rancid under normal conditions. I store those flours in the

I read somewhere a long time ago, that stored properly, white flour is
good for 2 years. I was reading in one of the dedicated artisan bread
books at the time, so I've always applied that to my bread making
flour. (I do think the dough gets a little wimpy when the flour is
more than 2) I've never worried much about the flour that I use for
other things, except whole wheat flour, as you say, has a short life
if left unfrozen.
Janet US