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brooklyn1 brooklyn1 is offline
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Default 4th of July foods?

On Mon, 4 Jul 2016 20:53:30 -0500, Sqwertz >

>On Sun, 3 Jul 2016 21:53:45 -0700, Julie Bove wrote:
>> Noooooo. I would never buy chubs. The meat patties are these:
>> Chubs can be pink slime. Just no. When I buy ground beef, I buy grass fed
>> organic.

>You brag about never buying chubs and only buying grass fed ground
>beef, and you buy frozen patties? Can we get any more hypocritical
>than that? Frozen patties are infamous for being the worst form of
>ground beef you can buy.
>> Those truly make the best burgers.

>Conventional beef makes better burgers than grass fed.

Grass fed beef is typically too devoid of fat for producing decent
burgers... but that said there is no way to know what/who is in
preground meat, ALL preground meat should be considered Mystery Meat,
there's no way to know if it's grass fed because fat content depends
on which cut and how trimmed, and fat trimmings can easily be added.
Preground can't be considered organic either, in fact there is no such
thing as any organic food, only organic fools who don't seem to mind
over paying for a fairy tale. I've said it before and I'll say it
again, the ONLY way to know what/who is in ground beef is to grind it
oneself. I've no idea why so many are averse to taking 15 minutes to
grind a ten pound roast; 5 minutes grinding, 5 minutes clean up, 5
minutes packaging bulk or 20 seconds forming/packaging per burger.