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Siobhan Perricone
Posts: n/a

On 28 Aug 2004 14:12:17 GMT, ojunk (Mama2EandJ) wrote:

>So...who knows how long (centuries, eons, years, months, what?) it takes to
>cook these babies in a crockpot? My son says to put some lard (oh, great) and
>"other seasonings" (whatever the hell that means) in the crockpot with them and
>then it takes forever for them to cook.

The older the beans, the longer they take to cook. There is a point at
which beans are so old that no amount of cooking will make them tender.

Here is a good, basic recipe for cooking the beans:

Rinse and cull the beans (about a pound or so of them will make a nice big
Place in a crock pot with a good inch to inch and a half of water above the
top of the beans
cut up onions and garlic and stir it into the pot (minced, chopped, doesn't
Do not add salt at this point (it will toughen up the skins)
feel free to add chopped hot peppers (jalapeno, habaneros, whatever floats
your boat)
Stir this all around to mix it up a bit and let it cook overnight in the
crock pot

A faster alternative is a bean pot in the oven. I do exactly the same
process with a covered bean pot (olla IIRC). Then preheat the oven to about
350, put the bean pot in the oven, and leave it there for around two hours.
The beans should come out tender and flavourful.

Don't forget to salt the beans before serving. You can add lard for
flavour if you want, but it's not necessary, just make sure you replace it
with peppers, onions, garlic, or other herbs for more flavour.

Siobhan Perricone
Humans wrote the bible,
God wrote the rocks
-- Word of God by Kathy Mar